Future Females Swakopmund: Influence and Presentation: Its all about Presentation

Future Females Swakopmund: Influence and Presentation: Its all about Presentation

Future Females Swakopmund: Influence and Presentation: Its all about Presentation

18 Jun 2020 18:30


“What is the difference between a villain and a super villain?”
-Mega Mind-

Join us this June for practical skills on how to overcome fear and use public speaking to grow your business.

Growing a business means showing up confidently with your “best face”.
Learn how to bravely show your face on social media and how to use the underutilized platform “LinkedIn” to grow your business.
Not only do you want to influence your followers, you also want to be able to monetize from that.
This event is packed with tools and tips to enable you to launch your business to new heights.



Future Females Swakopmund: Influence and Presentation: Its all about Presentation